Hotelchamp’s informative messaging through the roof — hotels are using website notifications to update their guests and potential guests about the Coronavirus
Busy times at Hotelchamp HQ, with many hotels wanting to use informative messaging on their website to keep their guests and potential guests up-to-date in regards to the Coronavirus. Since these updates can change every day, hotels are looking for an easy and flexible way to communicate the latest COVID-19 updates at the hotel. With an informative message, you can easily change your notifications that will have the highest possible attention rate.
And more importantly from a guest perspective, people want to know instantly how your hotel is dealing with the situation. The more clear you are, the better.
If you are a Hotelchamp customer, go to the Template Library and use the filter ‘Crisis Campaign’ to find these informative message templates. If you are not a customer yet but quickly want to setup a message like this on your website, send a message to